My bucket list

 Hi! today i'm gonna do something more personal; a bucket list. It means, i will write about things i would like to do before i die. i've never do something like this, but maybe will be fun so, let's do it.

 fist of all, i would like to have my own house, 'cause i always wanted to be owner of a place, do any changes i want there, and be independent.

in second place, i would like to travel around the world and visit places like Asia and Europe, 'cause i think those places are amazing, full of history and also most advanced than Latam.

3rd i would love to have a music store and many instruments for me, because i just love music, wheter play it or listen it. Music is something that i just love.

4th, i think i would like to teach music, although this one is tricky because i'm teaching to a girl how to play drums at weekends, but i would like to teach another aspects related with music, like theory or productions.

And in last place, i would like to live with my partner. we work so good together, and i would really love to live with them. 

i think it will be all for today, thanks for readding and see you next week!


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