The best concert ever

 Hi!, i will talk now about the best concert i ever have been. So, it was in 2019, in parque o'higgins. i'm talking about lollapalooza, a huge festival with so many artist! among those artist, were one of my favourit bands, Twenty One Pilots.

 TOP, is an alternative/rap duo, composted by Tyler joseph and Josh Dun, Tyler is the vocalist and Josh the drummer. It was the last band of the day, and i spend all day stand on fisrt line, waiting until 9 pm (TOP concert's start time), so when the concert starts, the atmosphear was euphoric, awaiting anxious for the band.

 I was so excited for the concert, and in the moment they came to the stage, i was so euphoric that i forgot all the hours i've been stand, with no food or going to the bath and i started jump, and sing the songs.

 I remember i was with a friend, who i asked for keep a bag with my belongings, (cellphone, wallet etc). and when the concert started, she lost them!! fortunately the bag was under a pile of other people's stuffs, so it wasn't that bad, (Still i couldn't  record videos or take pictures). So that was the best concert i've ever been, thanks for reading and see you next week!


  1. looks you are a huge fan of that band, it had to be amazing

  2. Incredible! I wish could go to lollapalooza sometime

  3. I think when people jump and enjoy with others is amazing, especially at a concert like twenty-one pilots :D


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